Daniel Zen teaches his course material on a regular basis to Fortune 500 companies such as Intel, Time Warner and Cisco. He speaks at numerous conferences - ng-conf, ng-vegas, AngularSummit, FITC and NYC Camp at the United Nations. He founded the AngularJS NYC meetup which meet monthly at Google offices in Chelsea which now counts over 6,000 members. He is also the co-producer of BuzzJS, a JavaScript conference series held at Microsoft offices in Times Square. He is also the Chief Instruction Officer at zen.digital
Learn the Angular 4 architecture and how to leverage ES6 by creating a Single Page Application from scratch. Learn the current best practices with the framework. Become familiar with TypeScript, which allows robust variable typing. Angular 2 is built around the concept of components & custom element tags. We will create a production ready application with these Components, as well as Routing & Services. The differences between Angular 1 & 2+ will be discussed, but no prior AngularJS knowledge is required. A series of labs will allow you to apply your newfound knowledge and see immediate results live online with the latest version of Angular 4.