In this talk we are going to cover some of the 12 principles behind UX Motion giving practical examples while integrating those incrementally into your App. We will focus on these UX Motion principles while covering some implementation details using Angular Animations.on will introduce Nuxt.js with Vue.js and explore how simple it is to go from zero to a feature-rich, optimized deployment.
In this full day training we will cover everything you need to successfully adopt GraphQL across your full stack from client to backend
including tooling and best practices learned from top company engineers (Twitter, TopTable and graphcool).
You will learn how to build and design a GraphQL Server starting by defining the GraphQL Schema using types and relations. Moving to the
client side, we will describe the differences between Relay Modern and Apollo Clients. As we implement the different features we will
introduce GraphQL query syntax including queries, mutations, alias, fragments and directives. At this point we will review how client and
server communicate, what tooling is available to track usage and improve performance and how to add authorisation and authentication.
Finally we will focus on designing real-time features and sharing best practices to improve performance and leverage scalability.